Importance of Food Safety and Sanitation
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Importance of Food Safety and Sanitation

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First Gourmet Academy (FGA) recognizes food safety and sanitation as an essential part of the food industry, and hence the inclusion of this in its diploma courses. While it is important to be able to deliver food quickly, inviting and profitably, the importance of food safety and sanitation cannot be undermined.

Importance of Food Safety and Sanitation 1

A valuable aspect of FGA's curriculum focuses on teaching the aspiring chefs the value of food safety. The course starts with a lecture stressing the importance of sanitation, characteristics and causes of food borne illnesses, and preventing unsanitary conditions.


Further inculcating in them that they should be able to uphold, and at best, exceed guidelines in providing a safe and sanitized kitchen which can be achieved through emphasizing proper maintenance and cleaning intervals to ensure that not only are the surfaces kept sanitary, but to make certain that no debris accumulate in crevices where bacteria can grow and spread.


Aside from this, students are also trained by the Philippine Red Cross to prepare them during emergency situations should they arise in the kitchen. This zeros in on their responsiveness to remote urgent crisis that needs to be resolved.

Importance of Food Safety and Sanitation 2


The correct practice of food safety and sanitation can greatly improve efficiency, keep productivity up, workers safe and consumer confidence high, as well as meeting or surpassing standards and thus avoiding untoward incidents such as having not only non-compliance fines or a potential shutdown.